21 junho 2007

oh how i wish to see you in the reflection of this mirror.
how i wish to could hold you tight
and never let you go....
but you went, soo fast
I still can't believe,
i keep waiting from that little messenger window to pop up
so we could laught again....
so that i could know that somehow you're happy after all...
we couldn't even say goodbye
and the lack of it will just make this tears even stronger
oh how i wish to see you in the reflection of this mirror.
how i wish to could hold you tight
and never let you go....
i know you wouldn't want to see me like this...
probably you would be saying dumb things...
hoping for a smile....
oh how i wish to see you in the reflection of this mirror.
how i wish to could hold you tight
i wish i could smile by your side....
and make all of our promises reality.
i wish stramberrys
sweet things to go with it
freach, happy, birthday songs
oh how i wish to see you in the reflection of this mirror.
how i wish to could hold you tight
how i wish i could hear you sing
how i wish you were here....
kagami, show me that he was at least happy....
{love alexi, gonna miss ya forever.}

08 junho 2007

Tão engraçado,

aparentemente eu o tinha esquecido, aparentemente meu coração estava livre.


apos ir a um lugar consultar alguem mistico e o ouvir desde "Hun, você gosta de um rapaz moreno?".... Tudo volta.

Como eu pude me enganar por tanto tempo?
Pois é....

Depois disso passei a reparar, eu ainda olho o lugar onde nos beijamos com carinho, ainda lembro que perdi um anel teu na estação do metro. Insisto num caminho, pq foi aquele que andei com vc.

O que os olhos não veêm o coração não sente.

Tenho medo de ter ver de novo.

tenho medo de um possivel futuro com vc.....

mas ainda sim, esse medo me parece melhor do que a confusão e o vazio de hoje.
[and it's been a year.... so why don't I forget you?]