As times go by the face of people change, so does heart. And it's with this pasage that we realize who deserves and how don't your time.
You see, even if the place and the faces chages there is always that group of people, that can make you feel everything and anything. Is this group, the same as of highschool that you got to keep away. Cos once they decide to leave, you are alone, and if the times is bad, it can make you feel relly bad.
But has you are in the hool, you gonna find some hands, of those that really matter to you. Your real friends. Cos even with some problems and flaws, they never leave you, or call you sick and disapier in the night.
Are those, my friends, that you got to see between the shine light that blind us, cos without them we're nothing.
And for those that gave us those feelings, forget, be polite. But don't get close. That's the best you can do.